The Coloring Frenzy
She used to buy cheap coloring books in bulk to pacify her niece and nephews, but it wasn't until she tried her hands at an adult coloring book that she got completely hooked.
She used to buy cheap coloring books in bulk to pacify her niece and nephews, but it wasn't until she tried her hands at an adult coloring book that she got completely hooked.
Industri pariwisata menawarkan banyak kesempatan bagi siswa magang, namun penelitian menunjukkan mereka rentan pelecehan seksual.
Perempuan kembali korban paling rentan di tengah konflik perebutan kekuasaan di Sudan.
The 4B Movement forces society to confront uncomfortable truths about the cost of sustaining patriarchy – and perhaps the possibilities of living without it.
Perempuan yang berbicara lantang menghadapi serangkaian intimidasi, mulai dari ujaran kebencian hingga ancaman kekerasan. Apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk meminimalkan dampaknya?
Banyak anak muda yang sadar pentingnya peran ayah dalam pengasuhan anak di rumah. Sehingga, mereka ingin menyiapkan warisan pengasuhan ke generasi berikutnya.
Managing Editor Hera Diani participated in a not-so regular "fat camp" that improves her relationship
I was expecting a sentimental moment when I was about to leave my mother for
For many people, exercising is another excuse for socializing. That's why people are drawn to