A Guide to Your Perfect Balinese Babi Guling
This connoisseur of babi guling, that mouth-watering Balinese style roast suckling pig, gives a list of warungs to visit, outside those touristy restaurants you've probably been frequenting.

So you’ve tried all the top friends-swear-by, food-guide recommended, TV travel hosts’ must-go Babi Guling (roast suckling pig) warungs (food stalls) in Bali, and you keep going there every time you’re in Bali, because, to be fair they do taste good.
But if you had gone through more than four smart phones and still have not ventured beyond these four major leagues in Bali’s Babi Guling world—Bu Oka on Jalan Suweta in Ubud, Pak Dobiel on Jalan Srikandi in Nusa Dua, Chandra on Teuku Umar in Denpasar, and Pak Malen on Sunset Road in Seminyak—then WE have a problem. That’s you and me.
How could you spend hours trawling the net for yet another ‘virgin’ beach to take selfies, a happening new spot for your sunset cocktails, or a trendy new villa or designer boutique hotel to stay, but somehow fail to try a new Babi Guling warung?
So to help solve this problem, let me give you a few options to expand that list.
- Beyond Ubud: Prana Prasaddam on Jalan Raya Mambal or Men Doglag on Jalan Raya Sibang
- Sanur: Babi Guling Sanur on by-pass Sanur across from McDonald’s or Warung Ari on by-pass as well near the Tirta Nadi traffic lights.
- Beyond Seminyak: Men Agus on Jalan Raya Munggu or Men Liong on Jalan Raya Tanah Lot.
- Greater Denpasar: Sariastri on WR Supratman or Sari Kembar on Teuku Umar Barat (Marlboro)
Beyond the above: drive around, you can’t miss the sign. And don’t be afraid of trying a new warung. I often stop at smaller ones that still have the old- school signboards that have not been co-sponsored by Teh Botol. I search near markets and temples, and I go early in the morning to get the freshest serving. And I don’t care if I’m the only woman there next to all the hungry men, because after all, it’s a date between myself and my babi guling.
You will find your own personal favorite as have I, depending on which one you think has the best blood sausage, most mouth-watering sambal, crispiest skin, tastiest deep fried innards, juiciest meat, and yummiest soup.
So off you go… Find your match!